Is a Juvenile Record Automatically Expunged in CA?

July 1, 2023 | By Evan E Zelig
Is a Juvenile Record Automatically Expunged in CA?

A juvenile record can cast a long shadow on an individual's life, affecting their educational opportunities, employment prospects, and personal relationships. Recognizing the potential for reform and understanding the unique circumstances surrounding youthful indiscretions, the California legal system has mechanisms to address the issue of juvenile records.

Many individuals mistakenly believe that a juvenile record is automatically expunged or sealed, once they reach a certain age or after a specific period has passed. While this may be true in some cases, expunging a juvenile record is not automatic for everyone. In certain instances, individuals must proactively request relief from the court to have their records expunged or sealed.

This blog will shed light on the intricacies of expunging a juvenile record. We will explore the circumstances under which a juvenile record may be automatically expunged and the situations in which individuals must take proactive steps to seek relief from the court. By understanding the process and requirements, individuals can take appropriate measures to mitigate the long-lasting consequences of a juvenile record and strive for a brighter future.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a juvenile crime or is seeking expungement, contact the Law Offices of Evan E. Zelig, P.C. at (707) 636-3204 to discuss your Santa Rosa case.

Understanding Expungements and Automatic Juvenile Record Sealing

When a record is expunged, the offense is effectively sealed, offering a sense of closure and a fresh start for those who have made mistakes in their youth.

While the case is generally inaccessible to most people and entities, certain agencies, such as the DMV or a prosecuting office, may still have limited access to juvenile records for specific purposes.

Automatic Expungement for Some Cases

The expungement process is relatively straightforward for some individuals, as their juvenile records may be automatically expunged under certain circumstances.

Automatic expungement is possible if the case did not involve a serious offense and was dismissed after January 1, 2015. Severe crimes such as killing, raping, or kidnapping are typically not eligible for automatic expungement.

Additionally, if an individual completed a deferred entry of judgment program or satisfactorily finished a pre-petition diversion program after January 1, 2018, their juvenile records may be eligible for automatic expungement. These programs offer an opportunity for rehabilitation and diversion from the traditional juvenile justice system, emphasizing the importance of guiding young individuals toward a better path.

Automatic expungement is not guaranteed for all cases. In situations where the offense does not meet the criteria for automatic expungement, individuals must take proactive steps to seek relief from the court. This usually involves filing a petition for expungement, providing evidence of rehabilitation, and a commitment to personal growth.

We’ll discuss more in the next section.

The Process of Asking for Expungement

Eligibility Requirements

Specific eligibility requirements must be met concerning the expungement of a juvenile record. These factors consider various aspects, such as age, the offense's severity, probation completion, and subsequent criminal history.

To be eligible for expungement, an individual must typically be 18 years of age or older. Furthermore, a minimum of five years must have passed since the case was closed. The court also considers whether the individual has shown signs of rehabilitation, which is essential in determining eligibility.

Serious and violent offenses have different eligibility criteria. Individuals with a record of such crimes must be 21 years of age or older and have completed supervision or, if they are 18 years of age or older, have completed probation.

Certain types of crimes are generally ineligible for expungement. These include:

Additionally, if an individual committed a sex crime when they were 14 years of age or older and were ordered to register as a sex offender, they are also ineligible for expungement.

Filing the Petition

To initiate the expungement process, individuals must submit a petition to the probation department or court where their case was initially filed. This involves completing the necessary paperwork and gathering the required documents.

One essential document is the Request to Seal Juvenile Records. This form outlines the individual's request for expungement and provides crucial information related to the case. It is important to ensure that this form is completed accurately and thoroughly.

Attending an Expungement Hearing

The court will review the application once the petition for expungement is filed. In some cases, the court may decide based on the submitted documents. However, in other instances, an expungement hearing may be scheduled.

During the expungement hearing, the judge will carefully consider the individual's case and evaluate the evidence presented. This is an opportunity for the individual or their attorney to make a compelling argument for expungement, highlighting the progress made and the need for a fresh start.

Being well-prepared is essential. This involves gathering supporting documents, such as certificates of completion for programs or evidence of personal growth and rehabilitation. It is also crucial to anticipate any potential objections the prosecution may raise and address them effectively.

By approaching the expungement hearing with thorough preparation and a persuasive argument, individuals can increase their chances of obtaining the desired outcome and finally put their juvenile records behind them.

When navigating the expungement process, seek the assistance of a knowledgeable and experienced attorney who handles juvenile expungement. Legal representation plays a vital role in ensuring that the necessary steps are taken correctly and that a strong case is presented to the court.

An experienced attorney can guide individuals through the process, helping them understand their rights, obligations, and available options. They can ensure that the required paperwork is completed accurately and submitted on time, increasing the likelihood of a successful expungement.

The Benefits of Expungement

Expunging a juvenile criminal record offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact an individual's life, allowing them to move forward and build a brighter future.

Let's explore some of these advantages in greater detail:

  • Legally deny having a record: When a record is expunged, it is sealed, and in many cases, individuals are not required to disclose their expunged record on most applications or during background checks.
  • Open the door to educational opportunities: Many colleges, universities, and vocational institutions conduct background checks as part of the admissions process. With a clean record, individuals have a better chance of being accepted into their desired educational programs. This paves the way for personal growth, career advancement, and the pursuit of one's academic aspirations.
  • The stigma of past mistakes removed: Expungement provides a fresh start and the chance to redefine one's identity beyond the errors of youth. By removing the record from public view, individuals can regain control over their narrative, instilling confidence and hope for a better future.

Contact Our Firm

Expunging a juvenile criminal record in California is a complex process that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to legal procedures. Individuals can increase their chances of achieving a fresh start by understanding the eligibility criteria, filing the petition correctly, retaining legal representation, and preparing for the expungement hearing.

If you need help seeking to expunge your juvenile criminal record in Santa Rosa, contact the Law Offices of Evan E. Zelig, P.C. at (707) 636-3204.