Before Charges are Filed

What Happens Before Criminal Charges are Filed?

The Steps Of A Criminal Defense Case

Criminal cases can be far reaching and tremendously complex. Details which are uncovered during an investigation can cause law enforcement to refocus their efforts and an individual may be under investigation long before they are contacted by the police. If you discover that you are a suspect in an ongoing investigation or have reason to believe that you may be charged with a crime, contact the Law Offices of Evan E. Zelig, P.C. immediately and begin building a defense. Our criminal defense attorney can fight to protect your rights and advise on how to limit your legal risk.

Do not wait to begin protecting your rights. Call (707) 636-3204 today.

Each moment that passes gives law enforcement an opportunity to build a case against you and without proper legal representation, you risk facing the full punishments associated with a crime. Do not make the mistake of assuming that you are not at risk until charges have been formally filed. Many people may not know that the act of being charged for a crime itself may appear on your criminal record, regardless of if you are acquitted or if charges are later dropped. It is important to get in front of potential accusations and our firm can work tirelessly to maximize the chances that criminal charges are never filed.

How can our criminal defense attorneys help?

  • Review all evidence and help to determine where you stand in your case.
  • Provide legal advocacy to prevent further liability or self-incrimination
  • Gather evidence through proactive investigations and prepare a solid defense in the event that charges are filed.

Criminal charges can have severe consequences and seeing that your future is protected begins with a phone call to the Law Offices of Evan E. Zelig. The more time our criminal defense attorneys have to consult with you, the better your chances of avoiding charges altogether.

No matter your situation, you do not have to go through this process alone. We understand that emergencies can occur at any time which is why our firm is available by phone 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Whenever you find yourself in need of legal assistance, we are here to help.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal options.